Our Vision is to develop a sustainable, diverse and innovative agritourism business, that reflects our individual strengths and interests whilst building a better shared understanding between primary producers and urban consumers.

Our Values
Integrity – Safety – Innovation – Sustainability – Authenticity – Collaboration
Our Goals
To work with integrity and authenticity.
To provide a safe working environment.
To apply innovative techniques that improve productivity.
To manage a sustainable and diverse farming venture.

To develop a resilient livestock enterprise that prioritizes animal welfare and economic return equally.
To establish and maintain a profitable cropping regime that maximizes ground cover and moisture retention, complements our livestock program and continually improves soils.

To diversify our farm enterprise and build business resilience to extreme environmental and market conditions.
To foster a shared understanding between urban and rural communities through an authentic agritourism experience.
To strengthen our local tourism market through a collaborative promotion of local products.